Thursday, October 17, 2013

Random awesomeness!!

Ab and Mad ran their first race! Nate and I were so proud of them! They ran 1 mile around a beautiful lake complete with ducks and swans! They did a great job, and finished in 11 minutes!

M and M waited patiently for the girls to finish :-)
It's always fun to run with friends!
Auntie Naj worked on Macy's hair...
Then Mommy tried some...
It was cute, but Auntie Naj's work was definitely better!
After my twist job failed, a good friend came to the rescue with yarn twists! Macy loved her first long locks!

Daddy talked at Mimi's school then we went to visit Gram
We have a new friend...
"Red" used to belong to our friends, but they moved and needed a home for her.
So, we built her a coop under the kids play house

It's a bit ghetto at the moment, but it works for now. So, far no eggs, yet :-)
Red does have a stalker that she doesn't appreciate very much, though...

The girls went to a bday party themed Little House, they all had a blast! Macy was there too, just not in the pic
Malachi "cut" Daddy's hair with the buzzer while we wait for dinner.
This cat takes over.... I promptly moved him after I shot the picture, though! :-)
The process of getting Macy's hair long!
She sat for 5 hours! She was amazing, although the last hour was full of tears and she needed Tylenol and being held by Daddy to fall asleep that night! :-( the other kids did great as well! With no kid tv and only the toys and school work they brought with them, they hung out, rather quietly for the entire 5 hours!
She loves it now! :-)

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